S.no | Article Details | Pg.no |
1 | Title ROLE OF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTAuthors Dr.Vijaykumar B. Khandate Chintamani B.Ed.College, Ballarpur. |
1-4 |
2 | Title “Relation of Environment with the Ancient and Contemporary Indian Literature”Authors
Miss PrajaktaPendam, Asst. Prof. S. B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research.
5-8 |
3 | Title ENVIRONMENT & INDIAN LITERATUREAuthors Dr. POORVA BHONDE The Head, Dept. of English Sharadchandra Arts and Commerce College, Butibori. (Dist. Nagpur, M.S.) |
9-15 |
4 | Title Evaluation of Rice Productivity in Gondia District of Maharashtra StateAuthors Dr. Lalitkumar G. Thakur Assistant Professor, Geography S. Chandra Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Dist. Gondia (MS) |
16-22 |
5 | Title Research Paper- Geography Energy ResourcesAuthors Dr. Kailas V. Nikhade (Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of Geography) R.V. Art & Comm. College Bhamragad Dist - Gadchiroli |
23-26 |
6 | Title A Case study of Nagpur District MaharashtraAuthors MAYURI NANDKUMAR THAKARE. DHANWATE NATIONAL COLLEGE, NAGPUR |
27-30 |
7 | Title Climate change and its impact on agriculture practice With reference to Bilaspur District, ChhattisgarhAuthors Dr. KaveriDabhadker Asstt. Professor Govt. Bilasa Girls P.G.CollegeBilaspur |
31-40 |
8 | Title Prefixing E to the Learning for sustainable development-Higher education challenges and opportunitiesAuthors Dr.Mitali Gupta Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research Nagpur |
41-48 |
Dr. Shaileshkumar A. Wagh Assistant Professor, Post Graduate & Research Department of Geography
MGSM’s A.S.C. College, Chopda Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
49-63 |
10 | Title Environmental Pollution And DevelopmentAuthors Dr. Pragya V. Tripathi Assistant Prof. English Mahila Mahavidyalay Gadchiroli |
64-67 |
11 | Title SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THE SPORTAuthors Dr. Vinod Marotrao Bali Yashwantrao Chawhan College Lakhandur Dist-Bhandara-441803 |
68-71 |
12 | Title Role of Information Technology in Environment and Human HealthAuthors Ganesh M. Kapse Late. N. P. Waghaye Art, Comm. & Sci. College Lakhani |
72-76 |
77-85 |
14 | Title Rainfall Region and Distribution of Irrigation Wells and Borewells in East Vidarbha RegionAuthors
Samay Madhusudan Bansod
Research Student
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
86-92 |
15 | Title Sustainable Living Practices: A Case Study of Amrit Ki KhetiAuthors
Dr. Prachiti Bagaday
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
L.A. D. & Smt. R. P. College for Women, Nagpur
93-100 |
16 | Title Use of Geoinformatics in Surface Runoff Based Water Conservation Measures of Sinhagad Valley, Western MaharashtraAuthors Dr. Dnyaneshwar N. Pawar Assistant Professor, M.V.P. Samaj’s K.S.K.WArts, Science and Commerce College CIDCO, Nashik. M.S(Affiliated to S. P. Pune University, Pune) |
101-106 |
17 | Title Impact of Agriculture on Environment ( Globalisation View )Authors Dr. Swarnlata Warke HOD & Associate Professor ( Economics ) Dhanwate National College, Congress Nagar , Nagpur. |
107-112 |
18 | Title Spatio-temporal Change in Distribution of Urban Population According to Hierarchy of Urban Centres in Western Khandesh Region: A Geographical Study.Authors Dr. LalitPratapSandanshiv Associate Professor, Head and Research Guide, Dept. of Geography S.V.S’s DadasahebRawal College, Dondaicha Dist. Dhule - 425408 (Maharashtra). |
113-119 |
Koustav Das
M.Sc. (Geography), University of Calcutta,
Kolkata, West Bengal
120-131 |
20 | Title Role of Education on Sustainable DevelopmentAuthors Dr. Chandrashekhar D. Thakare Shivshakti Arts and Commerce College Babhulgaon |
132-133 |
21 | Title ROLE OF MEDIA &YOUTH IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTAuthors Dr.ROSHAN KHAN Assistant lecturer Zulekha college of commerce & technology |
134-138 |
22 | Title Effects of Lockdown on Level of Income of Villagers with Special reference to Maharashtra StateAuthors Dr. ArvindKhadse Assistant Professor Dhanwate National Collage Nagpur |
139-145 |
23 | Title Climate Change and Effect of Pollution on PlantsAuthors Dr. Mrs. Sharada K. Ulhe- Deshmukh Mahatma Fule Arts, commerce & Sitaramji Chaudhari Science College, Warud, Dist-Amravati |
146-150 |
24 | Title Sustainable development and COVID-19 PandemicAuthors Ulhe P.P Narayanrao Kale Smruti Model College (Art, Commerce and Science) Karanja (gh.) Dist- Wardha |
155-159 |
25 | Title A GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF TRIBAL RELIGIOSITY LEVEL IN DHULE DISTRICT (MAHARASHTRA)Authors Dr. Uttam V. Nile. Department of Geography & Research center P.S.G.V.P Mandal’s A.S.C. College Shahada. |
160-167 |
26 | Title ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTAuthors Dr. MeghanaPatil (Mudiraj) Department of Commerce C. J. Patel College, Tirora, District – Gondia. |
168-172 |
27 | Title With help of clustering in GIS markingAquatonesofAmrawati river basin in North MaharashtraAuthors Patil S.P. Department of Geography, S.V.Ss.Arts, And Science College, Dondaicha. |
173-178 |
28 | Title CONTRIVED MICRO-WATERSHEDS: A PROBABLE WATER HARVESTING MECHANISM FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENTAuthors Priyadarshan. S. Ganvir M. G. Arts, Science and Late N. P. Commerce College, Armori, Dist. Gadchiroli. |
179-184 |
29 | Title Dielectric Constant and Emissivity of Contaminated Soil Samples at 9.655 GHz microwave frequencyAuthors
Nima P. Golhar Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Nanasaheb Y. N. Chavan Arts, Science and Commerce College, Chalisgaon. Dist- Jalgaon. 424101. Maharashtra, India.
185-190 |
30 | Title Algal diversity of Gondia Taluka, Gondia District (MH).Authors Dr. Prashant C. Shahare D. B. Science College, Gondia. |
191-196 |
31 | Title Natural Resources Management - Water & Land ManagementAuthors Dr. P. S. Changole, Head, Dept. of Commerce, Dhanwate National College, Nagpur - 12 |
197-211 |
32 | Title A review on tsunami: Adverse effect and their disaster managementAuthors Dr. C. P. Dorlikar Postgraduate Department of Geology M. G. College Armori District Gadchiroli Maharashtra |
212-216 |
33 | Title Major Geo-portals of India: A StudyAuthors Dr. Vaishali Malode (Wadnerkar) Librarian Dhanwate National College, Nagpur |
217-223 |
34 | Title Theoretical aspects of Municipal Solid Waste ManagementAuthors Dr. Tushar D. Tale Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Institute of Management Technology & Research, DNC, Nagpur |
224-233 |
35 | Title CLIMATE CHANGE: A CONCERN TO INDIA’S FOOD SECURITYAuthors MeghaliJoharapurkar Department of Food and Nutrition, SevadalMahilaMahavidyalaya, Nagpur |
234-239 |
36 | Title “Conscious Attitude and Good habits for Environmental Sustainability: What a common man can do?”Authors Dr.NancyMaurya* Botany Department, Government Science College, Pandhurna, Chhindwara. |
240-242 |
37 | Title Eco-Tourism- Its Sustainability in MaharashtraAuthors Dr. Hemant L. Babhulkar Asst. Prof. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Institute of Management Technology and Research Department of DhanwateNationalCollege Congress Nagar, Nagpur 440012 |
243-252 |
38 | Title Perception and Preferences of Young Shoppers towards the Environment Friendly E-commerce for Sustainable DevelopmentAuthors Shyamal Ruikar Research Scholar Rashtrsant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur |
253-258 |
39 | Title Impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Retail IndustryAuthors Dr. Kulbhushan Meghe Department of Commerce Dhanwate National College Nagpur |
259-264 |
40 | Title MAHADISCO’s CSR Activities for the Sustainable DevelopmentAuthors Dr. D. N. Khadse Associate Professor Department of Commerce Dhanwate National College Nagpur |
265-269 |
41 | Title ‘Catch the Rain’ for Sustainable Development through Environment ProtectionAuthors Dr. Pravin H. Ghosekar Dr.PanjabraoDeshmukh Institute of Management Technology & Research Dhanwate National College, Nagpur(MS) |
270-277 |
42 | Title Social Networking and its role in the Environment ProtectionAuthors DhammapalUikey Research Scholar Kalinga University, Raipur (C.G.) |
278-283 |
43 | Title Role of HR in Implementing CSR for the Sustainable DevelopmentAuthors Dr. Rajkumargiri Gosavi Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce Dhanwate National College, Nagpur |
284-287 |
44 | Title कीटकनाशकांचा वाढता वापर व पर्यावरणीय हानी . भौगोलिक अभ्यासAuthors डॉ. शैलजा कृष्णराव माथने बाबाजी दाते कला आणि वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय यवतमाळ |
288-302 |
45 | Title मानवी हस्तक्षेपामूळे होणार्या पर्यावरणीय बदलाचे स्वरूपAuthors डॉ. ममता फुके प्रियदर्शिनी शिक्षण महाविद्यालय, नागपूर |
303-309 |
46 | Title गोंदिया जिल्हयातील लोकसंख्येची घनता : एक अभ्यासAuthors
प्रा. डॉ. एम. आर. दर्वे
एम.ए., पीएच.डी. (भूगोल),
भूगोल विभाग प्रमुख
एस.एस. जायस्वाल कला, वाणिज्य व विज्ञान महाविद्यालय, अर्जुनी/मोर., जि. गोंदिया
310-318 |
47 | Title ‘‘अमरावती जिल्ह्यातील मेळघाट परिक्षेत्रातील शेती व्यवस्थेत झालेल्या बदलांचे भौगोलिक अध्ययन’’Authors
प्रा. डॉ. जयश्री वाय. पडोळे
भूगोल विभाग प्रमुख, कै. नारायणराव अ. देषमुख कला व वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय, चांदुर बाजार, अमरावती.
319-327 |
48 | Title पाण्याचे योग्य व्यवस्थापन, समस्या आणि उपायAuthors डॉ‐ राष्ट्रपाल गणवीर महिला महाविद्यालय,नंदनवन, नागपूर |
328-334 |
49 | Title नागपूर जिल्हयातील महिला सबलीकरणामध्ये कार्यशील महिंलाचे कालिक विश्लेषणAuthors
कु. शितल बाबुलाल बिनकर.
सेट, नेट-जे.आर.एफ.-भूगोल
संशोधन विध्यार्थी वसंतराव नार्इक शासकीय कला व
समाज विज्ञान संस्था, नागपूर.
335-342 |
50 | Title प्राणहिता नदी खोर्यावतील जलसिंचनाचा शेतीवर झालेला परिणामAuthors डॉ. नागसेन नामदेव मेश्राम सहयोगी प्राध्यापक व विभाग प्रमूख भूगोल शंकरराव बेझलवार कला-वाणिज्य महा. अहेरी |
343-350 |
51 | Title पेंच राष्ट्रीय उद्यान आकर्षक पर्यटन केंद्र - एक अध्ययनAuthors Dr. Ganesh B. Butke Department of Geography , Dhanwate Natoinal College , Nagpur |
351-357 |
52 | Title आर्थिक विकासाचा पर्यावरणावर होणारा परिणामAuthors
प्रा. डॉ. गणेश एल. धोटे
यशवंतराव चव्हाण कला वाणिज्य व विज्ञान महाविद्यालय, लाखांदूर, जि. भंडारा
358-365 |
53 | Title गडचिरोली जिल्हयाच्या पूर्व भागातील आदिवासी जमातीतील कुपोषण व त्यांचा निरंतर विकास : एक भौगोलिक अध्ययनAuthors
राजकुमार दि. पत्रे
संशोधन केंद्र
इतिहास विभाग, रा.तु.म.
नागपूर विद्यापीठ, नागपूर
366-373 |
54 | Title तुमसर तालुक्यातील ऐतिहासीक पर्यटन स्थळ : अंबागडAuthors डॉ. अरूणा शिवशंकर बावनकर एस. एन. मोर महाविद्यालय, तुमसर |
374-381 |
55 | Title वर्धा जिल्ह्यातील लोकसंख्येच्या कायीक घनतेतील बदलाचा अभ्यास (2001-2011)Authors प्रा. बुद्धघोष मधुकरराव लोहकरे सहयोगी प्राध्यापक, भूगोल विभाग, यशवंत महाविद्यालय, वर्धा. राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराज नागपूर विद्यापीठ, नागपूर |
382-387 |
56 | Title नागरीकरण वाढीचा कल (भंडारा/गोंदिया जिल्हा)-एक भौगोलीक अभ्यास वर्ष 1991-2011Authors ओम सत्यसार्इ कला व विज्ञान महाविद्यालय, परसोडी. डॉ. सौ. वंदना प्रविण मोटघरे. |
389-396 |
57 | Title पश्चिम विदर्भातील मुख्य पिकांचे उत्पादन अस्थिरतेचे भौगोलिक विश्लेषणAuthors Dr. Sachin N. Bhombe & Dr. Vijay K. Tompe Department of Geography, G.S.Tompe Arts, Commerce and Science College, Chandur Bz. |
397-402 |
58 | Title विकासातील महत्वाचा घटक सिमेंट रस्ते नियोजनाअभावी पर्यावरणाला अभिशापAuthors देवेंद्र चंद्रसेन वानखडे, शरीरिक शिक्षण व क्रीडा विभाग, धनवटे नॅशनल कॉलेज, नागपूर- १२ विभाग प्रमुख, ११-स्वामी समर्थ अपार्टमेंट, २०/ए-वंजारी नगर, नागपूर-४४०००३ |
403-408 |
59 | Title विदर्भातील कृषीवरील हवामान बदलाचे परिणाम आणि उपाययोजनाAuthors
डॉं. राकेश झि. सरादे
सहायक प्राध्यापक
रेणुका कॉलेज, नागपूर
409-419 |
60 | Title महानुभाविय साहित्यातील पर्यावरणAuthors डॉ. पद्मिनी दुरूगकर घोसेकर धनवटे नॅशनल कॉलेज, नागपूर, महाराष्ट्र |
420-425 |
61 | Title महाराष्ट्रातील साक्षरता दर कालीक व अभिक्षेत्रीय विश्लेषणAuthors डॉ. मेघा सावरकर भूगोल विभाग प्रमुख, वसंतराव नार्इक शासकीय कला व समाज विज्ञान संस्था, नागपूर |
426-432 |
62 | Title चिरकालीन मानवी जीवनाकरिता राष्ट्रसंत श्री तुकडोजी महाराज यांचे विचार.Authors प्रा. डॉ. भारत वि. नखाते यशवंतराव चव्हाण कला,वाणिज्य व विज्ञान महाविद्यालय लाखांदूर, जिल्हा भंडारा |
433-439 |
63 | Title महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुले यांच्या साहित्यातील पर्यावरणAuthors डॉ. भारती खापेकर धनवटे नॅशनल कॉलेज नागपूर |
440-444 |
64 | Title नवेगाव – नागझिरा : जैवविविधता आणि पर्यटनAuthors डॉ. अल्का दुधबुरे |
445-452 |
65 | Title Implications of Climate Change on the Agricultural Production and Demand-SupplyAuthors Dr. Subhash K. Shembekar Jawaharlal Nehru Arts, Commerce and Science College Wadi, Nagpur |
453-458 |
66 | Title Sustainable Development through Effective Waste ManagementAuthors Dr. Sudhir K. Narnaware Shree Pandharinath Arts & Commerce College, Narkhed, Dist. Nagpur |
459-464 |
67 | Title Impact of Climate Change in IndiaAuthors Dr. Suresh A. Bhagwat Dr. Madhukarrao Wasnik P.W.S. Arts and Commerce College, Nagpur |
465-470 |
68 | Title Environmental Laws and Sustainable GoalsAuthors Mrs. Vaishnavi Deshmukh Lecturer, Bharti Vidyapeeth Law Collage, Pune |
471-476 |