S.no | Article Details | Pg.no |
1 | Title HOME-BASED HEALTH CARE SERVICES FOR OLD AGE PATIENTSAuthors Adithya. S. Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, Vadodara, Gujarat. |
1-7 |
2 | Title HOSPITALIZED CHILD AND PARENTAL STRESS – PREDICTION OF CHALLENGESAuthors Rajesh. P Joseph Associate Professor Sumandeep Nursing college Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
8-11 |
3 | Title Impact of Expectant Father’s Involvement During LaborAuthors Mrs. Parita Maru Assistant professor Department of Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat |
12-18 |
4 | Title Impact of Nursing interventions on bilateral venous leg ulcer -A case study reportAuthors Rajesh .P. Joseph, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be university Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
19-23 |
5 | Title Impact of Video Assisted Instructions on Knowledge regarding Birthing Process among PrimigravidaAuthors Ms. Priyanka R. Waghmare Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, |
24-30 |
6 | Title IMPACTS OF COVID-19: A NURSING PERSPECTIVEAuthors Ekta M. Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India – 391760 |
31-35 |
7 | Title IMPROVING CHILD NUTRITION −THE ACHIEVABLE IMPERATIVE FOR GLOBAL PROGRESS- UNICEFAuthors Rupal Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, SumandeepVidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India – 391760 |
36-38 |
8 | Title IMPROVING COMMUNITY HEALTH THROUGH COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS:AS A STRATEGYAuthors Adithya S Associate professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, Vadodara, Gujarat |
39-44 |
9 | Title INDIA- LOSS OF INNOCENCEAuthors Ms. Bhoomika Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat |
45-47 |
10 | Title INFANT WITH SPINA BIFIDA: A CASE REPORTAuthors Rajesh. P Joseph Associate Professor Sumandeep Nursing college Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
48-55 |
11 | Title INFECTION CONTROL AND PRACTICE OF STANDARD PRECAUTION AMONG HEALTH CARE WORKERSAuthors Sanket M Patel Assistant professor1, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat |
56-59 |
12 | Title Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in qualitative research psychologyAuthors Ms. Bhavisha Patel, Assistant professor, Sumandeep nursing college, Sumandeep vidyapeeth deemed to be university, Vadodara |
60-62 |
13 | Title Knowledge and Attitude Mothers Of 0-5 Years Children Regarding Prevention of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Among In Selected Rural Areas Of VadodaraAuthors Mr. Nirmal Raj E V Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be university Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara |
63-68 |
14 | Title KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE REGARDING SCHOOL WATER AND SANITATION TOWARDS HYGIENE AND HEALTH (SWASTHH) AMONG TEACHERSAuthors Adithya S Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat -391760 |
69-74 |
15 | Title KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME AMONG PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERSAuthors Ekta M. Patel Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
75-79 |
16 | Title Knowledge of Patients and their relatives regarding AyushmanBharat YojanaAuthors Dr. Ravindra H N Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
80-88 |
17 | Title KNOWLEDGE REGARDING WEANING AMONG PRIMI-PARA MOTHERSAuthors Mr. Nirmal Raj E V Associate Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
89-93 |
18 | Title Level of Knowledge regarding Junk food among adolescent children in selected schoolAuthors Rupal Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India – 391760 |
94-99 |
19 | Title MALNUTRITION IN UNDERFIVE CHILDREN: GLOBAL & INDIAN SCENARIOAuthors Mr. Rajesh. P. Joseph Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
100-105 |
20 | Title MALNUTRITION: ITS EFFECT AND MANAGEMENT THROUGH COOKING PRACTICESAuthors Mrs. Parita Maru Assistant professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
106-114 |
21 | Title Mentorship is an Essential tool for students learning Support SystemAuthors Mrs. Bhoomika Patel Asst. Professor. MHN Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
115-118 |
22 | Title Mobile health (mHealth) Innovative prospects for health and well-being through mobile technologiesAuthors Adithya S Associate professor, Department of Community Health Nursing,Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be university, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
119-122 |
23 | Title MOTHERS KNOWLEDGE REGARDING PREVENTION & HOME MANAGEMENT OF DIARRHOEA AMONG UNDERFIVE CHILDRENAuthors Rajesh. P Joseph Associate Professor, Department of child health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing college, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat,India |
123-130 |
24 | Title Nurses- A leading Force to achieve Sustainable Development GoalsAuthors Ekta M. Patel Asst.Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
131-138 |
25 | Title Nursing students’ preference in their learning process between Pedagogy and AndragogyAuthors Rachana Joshi Assistant Professor, Department of OBG Nursing, Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth deemed to be university, Piparia, Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat |
139-145 |
Sidhartha Shankar Padhi Associate Professor, |
146-150 |
Biswajit Nayak Professor, |
151-160 |
Avaya Kumar Baliarsingh Asst. Professor, |
161-169 |
29 | Title An investigation of Oval Wing model of an AircraftAuthors
Uma Shankar Das Professor, |
170-173 |
30 | Title Performance Study of various Aircraft RadomeAuthors
Tusharkanti Panda Associate Professor, |
174-178 |
31 | Title Exhaust Emissions and Performance Analysis of a Low Heat Rejection CI Engine using Jatropha Oil as FuelAuthors
Subrat kumar Bhuyan Associate Professor, |
179-183 |
32 | Title Optimization of Process Parameters of Inconel718 Alloy using Taguchi Approach for Cylindrical GrindingAuthors
Dilipram Deep Associate Professor, |
184-188 |
33 | Title Study of Hybrid Composite Leaf Spring of Light Weight VehicleAuthors
Dipabrata Banerjee , Aparajita Sahoo Asst. Professor, |
189-192 |
34 | Title Study of Tail Rotor Spar of Helicopter with Composite MaterialAuthors
Smruti S. Ray Mohapatra, Sakyasingha Sahoo Asst. Professor, |
193-196 |
35 | Title Study on effect of Electroless Nip Coating with Co-Deposition of Alumina ParticleAuthors
Debasish Das, Smaren Kumar Pattnayak Asst. Professor, |
197-200 |
36 | Title Whirling Apparatus based Fabrication and Development of Unmanned Air vehicleAuthors
Srujan Kumar Mishra, Sk. Golam M. Ali Asst. Professor, |
201-207 |
37 | Title A Fatigue Failure Analysis of Boeing 737 WingAuthors Prabhupada Senapati, Bidyutkanta Sahoo, Asst. Professor, Subhrasu Sekhar Satapathy, Shashikant Pradhan Student Department of Mechanical Engineering Einstein Academy of Technology and Management Bhubaneswar, Khurdha Odisha, India |
208-211 |
38 | Title Experimental Study of Fatigue Failure of Fuselage using Composite MaterialsAuthors Rudra Nandan Pramanik Asst. Professor, Sidhatha Shankar Padhi Associate Professor, Santosh Kumar Jena Student Department of Mechanical Engineering Einstein Academy of Technology and Management Bhubaneswar, Khurdha Odisha, India |
212-217 |
39 | Title Failures Analysis and optimization of Reheater TubeAuthors
Abdul Kalam Professor, |
218-221 |
41 | Title Fatigue Analysis of Main Landing Gear of an AircraftAuthors
Abdul Kalam Professor, |
222-225 |
42 | Title Study and Analysis of Cyber SecurityAuthors
Santosini Bhutia1*, Manasa Moharana2, Ranjita Rout3, Purnyaprava Nayak4 |
227-233 |
43 | Title Study of effect of Mobility on some Reactive Protocols in MANETAuthors
Rupak Mohanayak1*, Mamtamayi Rath2, Suman Pradhan3, Dr. Kailash Chandra Rout4 |
234-239 |
44 | Title Application of Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Power Quality Enhancement in a Wind Farm Connected GridAuthors
Bijay Mohapatra1*, Madhuprachi Nayak2, Nilanchala Patra3, Dr. Kailash Chandra Rout4 |
240-247 |
Jagannath Paramguru1*, Mitali Samal2, SSBK Prasad3, R. Krishnarani4 |
248-256 |
46 | Title Active and Reactive Power Control in a Photovoltaic integrated Power SystemAuthors
Pranaya Rout1*, Sritosh Sahoo2, Soni Verma3, Gopal Chandra Martha4 |
257-262 |
47 | Title Computational Mathematics: An Application ProspectiveAuthors
Sulochana Das1*, Rojalin Dash2, Satyaprangya Swain3, Sushree S. Behera4 |
263-266 |
48 | Title Plastic Waste ManagementAuthors
Mahima Sahoo1*, Rajashree Sahoo2, Sasanka Swain3, Sandipta Behera4 |
267-287 |
49 | Title Electric Vehicles and its Battery ManagementAuthors
Mitali Dalabehera1*, Sukanta Patra2, Sushree Swagatika Mahapatra3, Durga Prasad Mishra4 |
288-290 |
50 | Title Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Metal Matrix Composites for tribological application by using Taguchi Technique: A StudyAuthors
Jagadish Nayak1*, Nirmalendu Hota2, Smruti Panda3, Saradendu Bhujabal4 |
291-295 |
51 | Title Dry sliding wear behavior of mono (Al2219/B4C) and hybrid (Al2219/B4C/Gr) metal matrix composites by using statistical techniqueAuthors
Siren Padhy1*, Suryakanta Swain2, Binita Singh3, Debananda Behera4 |
296-307 |
52 | Title Pollutant air emissions prediction by process modelling in the iron and steel industryAuthors
Deepak Bhuyan1*, Suchismita Swain2, Narayan Parida3, Satyakam Acharya4 |
308-316 |
53 | Title Renewable Energy and Electric VehicleAuthors
Sanjay Sahoo 1*, Jangyadatta Pasa2, Shibajee Behera3, Rakesh Kumar Sahu4 |
317-331 |
54 | Title Study of Corrosion effect of anodic oxide coatings on Ti–6Al–4V produced from Ca and P containing electrolyteAuthors
Ambika Jena1*, Tapas Kumar Bhanj2, Prafusmita Sahoo3, Prasanna Kumar Mishra4 |
332-336 |
55 | Title Effect of High Temperature on Titanium Nanotube Arrays by Electrochemical MethodAuthors
Basanti Ekka1*, Tophan Jena2, Pritam Das3, Prasanna Kumar Mishra4 |
337-344 |
56 | Title An Investigation into the Bearing Capacity Problems of Surface Footing on Uniform SandAuthors
Prafusmita Sahoo*, Anupama Lenka, Tulika Singh |
345-348 |